Battery applications for high performance vehicles

We provide a turnkey battery development process from initial concept and cell selection, through detailed design and simulation to prototyping, validation and vehicle integration. Our philosophy is to optimise batteries to deliver sustained high performance and maximise vehicle potential. We focus on advanced thermal management based on unique cooling technology and we utilise next generation battery cells as a basis for our state-of-the-art battery pack solutions.

  • Battery systems for sustained high performance
  • Next generation battery cell technologies
  • Target setting, system definition, concept layout & cell selection
  • Thermal simulation [PDF; 1701 KB] at cell, module, pack & vehicle levels
  • Detailed design with structural analysis
  • Unique in-house developed cooling systems
  • Design, validation testing and vehicle integration
  • Controls systems design & development (with MFE)
  • Assembly of prototype battery packs and production support
  • Complete turnkey battery development service

M3x High Performance Battery Module [PDF; 3548 KB]

Turnkey battery development process

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